The "Youth Hostel Hope Street" Corporate Design was part of my exams. It is about a fake Youth Hostel in Bremen. The Hostel's concept was basic to offer a medium price for young people and tourists.

The youth hostel's Logo is a combination from two of Bremen's most known visuals: Bremen's coat of arms (left) and the "Speckflagge" (right). The goal of this logo was not only to showcase a youth hostel, but connect the hostel with the city.

To give a deeper insight into the hostel's visual identity, I designed signposts that guide you through the youth hostel. You can again see icons and colors related to the hostel's logo and the city of Bremen.

I also made a brochure for the "Youth Hostel Hope Street". Since the youth hostel's target group are young people, that want to visit the city and it's events, the brochure focusses not only on the youth hostel itself, but on Bremen and it's events aswell.